The FIVB President, Ary Graça congratulated WEVZA onthe successful launch of the new website of the association last June ( In its first months of life the site had a enormous success, with the coverage of the first competitions of the WEVZA .
In his message to Agustín Martín Santos, President of WEVZA, Ary Graça said, « I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the new website for WEVZA, which is very informative and user-friendly”.
The overall imaging of the site is conducive to be the meeting point of the WEVZA and volleyball fans. News, results and Multimedia was the first steps for the website, that will grow the next week during the WEVZA Executive Committee and WEVZA Technical Commission meetings held in Madrid. The presentation of the technical section in WEVZA official website will take place during the meeting in Madrid, as well as a brainstorming for the development projects.