Pictures closing ceremony Wevza U18 Men
Here you can find the pictures of the closing cermony of Wevza U18 Men
Western European Volleyball Zonal Association
Here you can find the pictures of the closing cermony of Wevza U18 Men
Pictures of the final of Wevza U18 Men between Italy and Belgium. Pictures of the closing ceremony will follow shortly!
Here you can find the pictures of the Wevza U18 Men game between Spain and The Netherlands for 3th and 4th place
Here you can find the pictures of the Wevza U18 Men game between Switserland and Germany for 7th and 8th place
Here you can find the pictures of the Wevza U18 Men game between Belgium and The Netherlands
Here you can find the pictures of the Wevza U18 Men game between Italy and Spain
Here you can find the pictures of the Wevza U18 Men game between France and Belgium
Here you can find the pictures of the Wevza U18 Men game between The Netherlands and Germany
Here you can find the pictures of the Wevza U18 Men game between Belgium and Spain. When you open a photo, you see a thumbnail which you can also open to view the high resolution photo.
Again a lot of spectaculair plays on the second tournament day of this years U18 Boys Wevza. Today’s results: PORTUGAL – THE NETHERLANDS: 1 / 3 (24-26 / 27-25 / 21-25 / 24-26) SWITZERLAND – FRANCE: 0 / 3 ( 20-25 / 21-25 / 21-25) GERMANY – ITALY: 0 / 3 (18-25 / 23-25 / […]