Italy defeated Germany by 3:0 in a spectacular final of the 2014 WEVZA Tournament U-18 Boys, that was held in Pabellón Pisuerga Sports Hall of Valladolid (Spain). The Italian team assured the title with a fantastic team work, an unstoppable attack and a great block. Spain finished the WEVZA Tournament U-18 Boys in third position. The local team won in three straight sets to Belgium in a great performance.  The Italian captain Gianluca Galassi was awarded as MVP of the Championship.


Bronze Medal Match
Spain 3 – Belgium 0 (25:9, 25:22, 25:20)

esp-bel13Spain won the bronze medal game with an undisputed triumph by 3:0. Spaniards controlled Belgium in all aspects of the match. The local team managed the game with a good serve and block to step for a overwhelming distance in the scoreboard 25:9. The story of the match did not change in the second period even if the score was more close. Belgium was slowly improving their way of play, but it was not enough to prevent the 2:0.

Spain had no doubts about its performance and got an important advantage in the beginning of the set. Eight points of distance than Belgium tried to reduce the gap. The best moments from the Belgian side was in this final period, with six points in a row, from 23:14 to 23:20, but two consecutive mistakes ended the match. Spain reached the third position and the Bronze medal.

Ricardo Maldonado, Head Coach of Spain said: “This was not a very complicated match. I expected a harder match. We played well in serve and block, also we had a good performance in reception during the match. I want to congratulate the organization since the tournament was excellent. »

Maarten Deroy, Head Coach of Belgium said: « I am very disappointed with the match. I did not expect to finish the tournament this way. Only in fifteen points of the match we played like we have to:  Aggressive, with nothing to lose, well organized…. But we started with some mistakes, without aggressiveness and good arrangements. It was a pity, we did not reach a good level. Spain was a difficult team for us, very good in many aspects of the game. In the first round we beat great teams like Sweden and France. Yesterday we played a good game, but today it was a pity to finish the tournament this way. »

Italy 3 – Germany 0 (25:20, 25:18, 25:14)

ita-ger07Italy was the first champion of the WEVZA Boys Tournament. The transalpine side defeated Germany in a hard foght final between the best two teams in the championship. Both teams struggled in an exciting and spectacular first set, but Italy overcame Germany with a fantastic efficiency in block, and with an outstanding Gianluca Galassi. The Italian captain, MVP of the Tournament, lead his teammates to a thrilling victory by 25:20.

The second set was balanced with both teams alternating spectacular offensive combinations with impenetrably defense work, but in the key moments, Italy had more efficiency to approach the victory. Italian team do not let the opportunity pass, and gave no options to Germany. Italy got a comfortably 25:14 to become the first WEVZA Tournament Champions.

Mario Barbiero, Head coach of Italy said: « This was a very difficult match for us. Germany is a very good team and we had to work tactically at high level. My players and all my team performed a great match. I am very happy for the victory but we have to look into the future, for the next competitions. I want to congratulate to the Royal Spanish Volleyball Federation for its hospitality and for the excellent organization of a great tournament”.

Matus Kalny, Head Coach of Germany said: “Today, we stayed behind during all match. The third set was the consequence of the previous. We never gave up, we fought until the last point, but Italy was better. »

Individual Awards:
Best Spiker: Egor Bogachev (Germany)
Best Blocker: Víctor Rodríguez (Spain)
Best Receiver: Simon Peeters (Belgium)
Best Setter: Ricardo Sbertoli (Italy)
Best Server: Lorenzo Mariotti (Italy)
Best Libero: Julian Renger (Germany)
Most Valuable Player: Gianluca Galassi (Italia)


Final Ranking:
1. Italy
2. Germany
3. Spain
4. Belgium
5. France
6. Portugal
7. Sweden
8. The Netherlands