Madrid hosted the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Zonal Volleyball Association of Western European countries. A transcendental meeting preceded the previous two days by the Technical Commission. The meeting was chaired by WEVZA President Agustín Martín Santos (Spain) and attended by WEVZA Vice Presidents Vicente Araujo (Portugal) and Hans Nieukerke (The Netherlands).
The Executive Committee thoroughly analyzed and appraised the first competitions hosted by WEVZA, and the initial stages of the administrative and financial operations. The successful firsts months of life for WEVZA had allowed to receive numerous compliments, highlighting sent by FIVB President Ary Graça, and the CEV President André Meyer.
The Executive Committee announced the convocation of the General Assembly on 24 October in Antalya (Turkey). Also, the meeting agenda and the Budget adjustments were approved, and they will be submitted to the assembly in addition to the 2014 economic report and the draft budget for 2015.
The Executive Committee was pleased with the successful first competitions of WEVZA history: the WEVZA Boys and Girls Tournaments, celebrated in Spanish city of Valladolid and Swiss city of Schaffhausen, the WEVZA Under 19 Beach Volleyball Championship in Dutch city of The Hague, the WEVZA Under 21 Beach Volleyball tournament held in Portuguese city of Macedo de Cavaleiros and the WEVZA Senior Beach Volleyball Zonal Tour in Italian city of Capaci. The Committee studied the documentation submitted by the Technical Commission, it gathered two days before in Madrid, and approved the creation of new categories in volleyball (under 16/17) and in beach volleyball (under 17). The main management body reviewed the competition calendar for 2015 and approved the creation of a new competition for clubs that would take place in the 2015 preseason.
Finally, the Executive Committee boosted the creation in 2015 of an International Seminar for Coaches and technical responsible of National Federations, and the launch of the technical section in WEVZA official website, with articles of leading experts from the member countries of the WEVZA.
The Executive Committee looked to the future of WEVZA
09/14/2014 am30 1:37 AM
Featured post, Institutional