Swiss city of Schaffhausen lives with excitement the preceding hours to the start of the Girls WEVZA Tournament to take over Helvetic country from Tuesday. The squads of the eight nations of the Zonal Association are making the transition to the idyllic city for five exciting days.
BBC Arena sports hall in Schaffhausen is finishing the last touches to held the teams that will compete for this first WEVZA Tournament in girls category. The new tournament floor was installed in the sports hall by numerous volunteers, and Team Switzerland also had the opportunity to test the floor in the initial training session.
At the same time the Hall is being prepared. The sponsor banner, sound system, food- and accommodation sites…. all the other infrastructure units are being set up, so the fans that will attend the event will find the best conditions for an unforgettable competition.
The teams are scheduled to arrive in Schaffhausen on Monday and the ball will start flying from Tuesday. The Final is foreseen for Saturday.