Kempinski Hotel in Turkish city of Antalya will held one of the most significant moments in the history of the Zonal Volleyball Association of the Western European countries: the 2014 WEVZA General Assembly.
Representatives from the eight national federation members will meet on Friday in the idyllic Turkish city to decide the future of the Association and to mark the guidelines that will direct the union of nations in the following years.
The meeting, celebrated in Antalya as Turkish city will act as venue of CEV General Assembly, will start on Friday morning with the opening of the acting president of the Association, Agustin Martin Santos. The approval of the minutes of the different gatherings held throughout the year and the activity report by Mr. Martin Santos will constitute the first points in the agenda.
The first part of the assembly will be devoted to administrative and financial matters. The statutes, logo, legal status, as well as budget information will be some of the issues to be discussed in this section of the hectic day.
Following these resolutions, the General Assembly will transfer to one of the most awaited topics of the meeting: competition issues. The proposals from the Technical Commission will be evaluated and the report on the different competitions celebrated during the season will be presented. In addition to this, the plenary meeting will decide the competition calendar for Volleyball and Beach Volleyball for 2015, together with the venues and organizers for the main events of the next year. Coaches & Referees papers publications and other projects will close the technical part of the meeting.
Information on communication projects, together with the different proposals from national federations, as well as miscellaneous points of discussion will constitute the elements to be conferred, as the summit directs to its conclusion.
WEVZA General Assembly to be held in Antalya will conform the second plenary meeting of the association, after its foundational gathering celebrated last year in Danish capital of Copenhagen. The Assembly will serve as a celebration of the successful first year of existence of the union of Western European countries.